The Carmine (Mercato) in Lucca, Italy -

The Mercato del Carmine

The Mercato del Carmine, once the church of Santa Maria del Carmine, is a historic building located in the center of Lucca. Its raw beauty captured me from the moment I walked into the cold, empty space. I knew I had to learn more about it.

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Santa Maria del Carmine – the Church Before the Market

Previously this area was occupied by the church of San Pier Cigoli, also known as the church of Santa Maria del Carmine. This property included an adjoining convent and Carmelite friars residents from the Renaissance period.

After a time, the large structure lost the use of its function. The Mercato delle Vettovaglie was moved in 1932 from the Amphitheater to this structure.

The church of Santa Maria del Carmine was demolished after standing for over 600 years. The bell tower has now become a clock tower and still stands today.

Carmine in Lucca, the old church -
photo credit:
The Carmine or Mercato in Lucca, Italy -
photo credit:
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The Mercato

Today, the cloister of the former convent is in fair condition. There are several shops currently located along the perimeter overlooking the neighboring street, Via Antonio Mordini. Such shops include a chocolate shop, fruit and vegetable and one of our favorite bars, Bar del Sole. In fact, our Monday group “English Mondays” meets here from 4:00-6:00 pm to gather, share stories, experiences, and laughter. This group of ex-pats is amazing and sitting enjoying a cocktail in this incredible space is wonderful. If you find yourself in Lucca and especially on a Monday – come and join us! Google Bar del Sole and we will be there to welcome you.

The Carmine (Mercato) today -
temporary art display at the far end – “English Monday” meeting

Other Uses of Carmine

On occasion, the open area of the market is used for concerts, cultural activities, as well as, art and craft exhibitions. It’s always interesting to see what might be displayed here. After the closing of the Lucca Biennale Cartasia (paper festival) this year, one of the entries has been stored here for quite a while. Safe and sound, the entry brings art into the cold, grey space.

The Carmine or Mercato in Lucca -
you never know what you’ll find in the Carmine (Mercato)!

New Life Ahead for Carmine

Recently, the Municipal Council approved a proposal of revitalizing the old Mercato in two phases. The first part consists of the former church, and the second for the remaining part includes the cloister and shops along Via Mordini and Piazza del Carmine.

According to sources in Lucca, there has been talk of recovering the Mercato del Carmine for over ten years with two master plans presented. In the meantime, the partial recovery of the premises is thanks to the intervention and a new attempt of the Cassa Foundation.

Carmine frescoes discovered in Lucca -
during renovation, several frescoes have been discovered and recorded
The Carmine or Mercato in Lucca -


  1. Good for Lucca to revitalize and not destroy. In the US it would just be torn down and built new. One of the reasons we will never have a history and how Italy is a walking architectural museum. Great post!

    1. I completely get where you are coming from. The Difference is night and day. Glad you enjoyed the post. I get to visit this building every week or when we feel like coffee out!

  2. Thank you for this information and for your passion. During my time in Lucca, I was also struck my the oddly cold and “modern” facade of the Mercato and the random parking lot that seemed so out of place.
    The church of S. Pier Cigoli is now only a misty memory known mostly for the beautiful works of art in the Palazzo Mansi and other museums, but it was once the place where families were baptized, worshiped, married and buried in long traditions spanning centuries. S. Pier Cigoli had been the historic location of the Moriconi family tombs, which makes me wonder what happened to those remains. I guess they were probably moved when the church was deconsecrated during the in the early 1800s along with the art. It seems like such a strange desecration for a city that holds fast to history and tradition like Lucca, but I guess it’s really just another layer of history.

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