Along the way, through a blogger’s life, you get to meet some wonderful people. Some of these people you never get to meet in person and some you do. We would like to recognize these people on this page; authors and bloggers we really like. We hope you take the time to check out their books and websites! Always check back and I’m sure we will be adding to this page.


  • One of Gary and my favorite authors is a couple, co-authors Nancy and John Petralia. After eight years of “virtual friendship,” we finally met them in Bologna in May 2023. What a thrill! We’ve read all their books Not in a Tuscan Villa, Looking for Garibaldi, and Without Provenance. We highly recommend all of them. Their first book inspired us to spend 90 days in Parma, Italy while waiting for our Italian dual citizenship. I love their writing style; they are a special couple we can call “friends.” Website and Facebook page.
  • Dawn Mattera is a certified coach, motivational speaker, and an award-winning author. I loved her down-to-earth book, The Italian Art of Living. She is a great supporter of our journey and a wonderful person to call a friend. Visit her site.
  • Victoria De Maio is an expat living in Firenze and an author of, Victoria’s Travel TipZ Italian Style. Victoria has an amazing blog and is a vacation and tour designer… and a wonderful friend.
  • Another friend, Margie Miklas, is an award-winning author, and travel blogger. I was honored to be an advanced reader and write a review for her latest book, Italy at Eighteen in which she takes her twin granddaughters on an adventure through Italy.
  • Ken Gregory along with his wife, Gio wrote a romantic thriller, Tell Me Your Sweet Lies. What’s extra special about Ken is meeting him and his daughters in Lucca and learning about their tragic family story. With their blessings, we did a post to increase awareness. All proceeds from this book will be donated to Thrombosis UK in memory of Gio.

Blogs -


  • A new friend and fellow blogger Brandy Shearer, the face behind Alor Italy. I think Brandy and I met on Instagram but we have collaborated on a few posts and we hope to do several more with her in the future. Her story is amazing and even more wonderful… they now live in Italy. I even got to chat with Brandy on the phone. Visit her blog – and Italy!
  • Kathryn Occhipinti is a wonderful friend on Facebook. She also is the author of a fantastic little travel book about just the important phrases for Italian. You can find the link to her book in our Favorite Travel Tools Box on the main page – right in the center of the blog. She sent one to me and I love it! Check out her website.
  • A great Facebook friend and lover of Italy is Marilyn Ricci from Take Me Home Italy. A travel website offering, in her words, “…An adventure of the soul, for each of our travelers” and, have heard Neeamazing things about her excursions.
  • A very unique blogger, Karen Helms writes for her best friend, Barley–a chocolate lab. I love following her on Facebook and reading about their adventures. It’s refreshing to get a whole new perspective from Barley! This a blog about people enjoying travel and dogs!
  • We recently “met” through Zoom, Bob Sorrentino from Italian Roots and Genealogy. He interviewed us and he has molto grande information on his website.

Other Resources

Italian Documents Translated

Do you need a translator for Italian documents? We found a wonderful contact and want to share it with you. Her fee is reasonable and can be paid through PayPal.
Simonetta Carr

Italian Documents in Italy

If you are looking for documents in Italy, we found a wonderful woman, Raffaella. You can email her with what you are looking for – but you need to be very specific. The more specific you are – the better chance you have of getting the correct document. She accepts PayPal and is very reasonable. She found a few documents for us when we were searching for documents for our citizenship.

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