Italy quiz!
So… you think you know Italy pretty well? Want to make it fun and take a quiz? We thought we would introduce some quizzes every once in a while to provide information while making it fun. Sometimes we think we know more about a country than we really do. Let’s see if this quiz surprises you.
Our first Do You Know Italy Quiz is pretty general – about basic information, you probably already know but let’s test your knowledge.
Answer the fifteen questions below to get your score. Consider sharing and challenging your friends and family to beat your score!
Good luck! In bocca al lupo!
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How Well Do You Know Italy?
Hope you had fun with our first Do You Know Italy quiz!

We hope you will consider joining our journey. It started in 2019 with “Our Italian Journey,” and this part of the adventure has concluded with “When Your Heart Finds Its Home.” Both are available wherever books are sold.
Both our books have been awarded “Recommended Reads” by Reader Ready.
Please take a moment when completed to leave a written review. It truly makes a difference in ranking.

Thanks for the quiz! It was fun to test my knowledge of bel paese.
Glad you liked it Angelo! Have some ideas for a few now and then in the future!
Fun quiz! Thought I would “ace” it, but 13 out of 15 isn’t bad! Great learning tool, grazie!
Thanks Teresa for the comment and to find out your results. I don’t think missing two is bad at all. Stay tuned for more in the future!
This was fun! I need to study more geography!
Thanks Wendy for the comment! Will be putting together more for future posts! Stay tuned.
Quiz was so fun. Love to get a copy of Italy map with food categories. Any advice where? Grazie Mille
Thanks Sandra for the comment. We will be doing quizzes from time to time. Working on another now, in fact. I have had that graphic for years so I’m not sure- so sorry!