It is said that history repeats itself and in the case of Florence’s wine windows that statement is true. Wine Windows – An Ingenious Concept Wine windows were an ingenious idea when they were introduced in Florence during the 1600s. …
4th Largest Cathedral in World | Florence, Italy
The 4th Largest Cathedral The 4th largest cathedral in the world is located in Florence Italy. Florence’s cathedral is the fourth largest in the world after Saint Peter’s (Rome), Saint Paul’s (London), and the Duomo in Milan (Italy). The cathedral …
Ponte Vecchio (Old Bridge) | Florence
The Ponte Vecchio The Ponte Vecchio (Old Bridge) is found in Florence, Italy, and spans over the narrowest point of the Arno River. The bridge is made of wood and stone and dates back to the Roman era. It is …
Gelato | Warning: Not All Are The Same
Gelato | Warning: Not All Are The Same There are hundreds of places for gelato in Italy. Literally, hundreds. But are all places the same for that yummy cold stuff? Gelato is an English term for ice cream made in …
Amazing Piazza della Signoria | The History
Piazza della Signoria The Piazza della Signoria is an L-shaped square located in front of the Palazzo Vecchio and was named after the Palazzo della Signoria, also called Palazzo Vecchio. The building is beautiful and amazing. Look at the different …
il Mercato | Popular Gigantic Market | Florence, Italy
We walked past il Mercato several times on our first trip to Florence and never did find it! Even though the building is huge – perhaps a football field in length, it is hidden by the street vendors of San …
Spotlight: 3 Interviews | Regarding Coronavirus in Italy
Italy and Coronavirus Interviews Coronavirus is everywhere on the news these days. Recently, Gary and I thought we should take a moment while connecting with friends in Italy and ask them a few questions about how they are dealing with …
The Bardini Garden & Panoramic Views of Florence
The Beautiful Bardini Garden You can find the Bardini Gardens along the Arno River and by the Ponte alle Grazi. Just up the street is the entrance to a beautiful, not as well-known garden in Florence with spectacular views …
The Bandierai of the Uffizi | Florence, Italy
The Bandierai of the Uffizi – Flag Throwing! Gary and I actually got to see The Bandierai of the Uffizi throwing the flags when we were in Florence this May. We arrived in Florence at the end of April and …
Months 5 & 6 | 1-Year Adventure in Italy
Months 5 & 6 Here we are… in Italy for months 5 & 6 and our update! This one-year journey has been incredible so far. We are learning the language and enjoying being “Italian.” That is, as much as an …
Italy & Me | Revealing Personal Perspective to Date
Italy & Me Italy and I have had a long relationship; well maybe not long but nine years. Since the moment I stepped off the plane in 2010 in Venice, my heart has always been here ♥. We have other countries …