The Cold Dessert Debate:  Gelato vs. American Ice Cream

So, what’s your favorite- gelato or ice cream? There is a lot to be said about gelato in Italy. There seems to be a store on every street. The flavors are pretty much all the same, with a few exceptions now and then. Cups and cones are the vehicles to put the yummy stuff in. Some cones are made into flowers, some cups come with a cookie.

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gelato vs ice cream.
gelato ice cream cones in a rose
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Gelato in Parma, Italy

There is a new place we tried in Parma (picture below) that has a type of whipped cream they call “Creme Parmigianino” because that is the street they are located on. It is to die for. We have tried it with gelato and with fruit gelato. There are almonds and sugar granules (we think) and it is just so good. I was thinking the next time just asking for that but I think the owner would give me a look’. Who knows, perhaps you are ‘allowed’ to just have that; I’ll see how brave I am to ask – next time.

Gelateria Parmigianino, Parma, Italy
Gelato store in Parma, Italy
Gary paying for our gelato. That whipped cream stuff is in the front row, second to the left. Ahhhhhh!!!



So what is the difference between gelato and ice cream?

Gelato is the Italian word for ice cream so “technically” they are the same. However, we all know that there’s a big difference between the soft, smooth texture, and clean taste of gelato compared to American-style ice cream’s heavier, richer texture. It comes down to these factors: fat, sugar, air, and serving temperature.

Gelato has less fat in the base when made and less air churned into it during the freezing process. American-style ice creams are generally heavy on the cream and have a fat content of at least 10% (which can be considerably higher in most homemade and many premium versions). Gelato uses more milk than cream, so it doesn’t have nearly as much fat. Here’s what Wikipedia says about it.

American-style ice creams are churned quickly to whip in plenty of air (called overrun) which is helped by the high proportion of cream in the base. Gelato is churned at a much slower speed, which introduces less air into the base. So, gelato has a dense, silky texture that’s less creamy than the heavy-fat American-style ice creams.

Storing the Dolce

Once the ice cream and gelato are made, they are stored at certain temperatures to maintain the perfect consistency. Ice cream is typically served frozen, around 0°F, whereas gelato is stored and served at about 15°F – a slightly warmer temperature. What this means is the gelato is not quite completely frozen. This makes the texture of gelato softer and silkier than ice cream.

So there you have it, which do you prefer?

Editors Note:  This post originally appeared on August 31, 2016. I have been asked recently to repost this information.


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