Lucca, take a peek at this beautiful Tuscan town. It is a must-stop when you are in Tuscany.


Let’s take a peek at the small hill town and visit Lucca. It’s just an amazing place to visit. There are fewer tourists here than in some of the other well-known towns in Tuscany. We’ve stayed in Lucca several times, and always inside the medieval wall. Inside is considered the “historical center,” and this location is my preference to stay when visiting a town.

Now, in updating this post… you know we live here. We’ve chosen Lucca to be our home in Italy. I find it incredible to repurpose posts like this, now with more and better information than ever before. Because we live here. Let’s visit Lucca…

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The Fosso

Each time Gary and I had stayed here, we discovered more and more. We were looking forward to spending about seven months here in 2021, using Lucca as a base to visit more of the surrounding towns. It turned out– we never left.

Lucca walls "Le Mura" -

Lucca has an unexpected waterway that runs through a section of the old town. It runs north to south on the east end of the historic center. It is amazing how the level of this canal or waterway changes each day. What is also amazing is the speed at which the water moves at times too. This waterway used to be used by the silk industry whos factories were along the “fosso”. We actually live in a building that was once one of those factories. By the way, we live in the “servents quarters.” Really.

Lucca is a town that exudes charm and history, nestled in the heart of Tuscany. Often overshadowed by its more famous neighbors like Florence and Pisa, Lucca offers a more tranquil yet equally enriching experience. Known for its well-preserved Renaissance wall that encircles the historic city center, Lucca is a treasure trove of medieval architecture, picturesque streets, and vibrant local culture. Its unique combination of historical significance, artistic heritage, and modern-day vibrancy makes Lucca a must-visit destination for travelers seeking an authentic Tuscan experience. But don’t tell any of my friends I’m telling you this. Let’s keep it a secret between us. 

Lucca, take a peek at this beautiful Tuscan town and its Duomo, or cathedral. It is a must-stop when you are in Tuscany.

Cattedrale di Lucca

The facade of the Cathedral is a Roman-Pisan style with a bell tower that is about 60 meters high. The cathedral has the plan of a Latin cross with three naves and a transept. The cathedral is 84 meters long, 27 meters wide, and 27,50 meters high. The complex of St. Martin’s Cathedral includes the Cathedral, its bell tower, the museum, the church, and the Baptistery of Saints Giovanni and Reparata.

This duomo is one of Gary’s and my favorites. There is so much to see and explore inside. The booklet they give you when you enter is chock-full of information. You will need to spend a minimum of one hour to truly enjoy all this cathedral has to offer.

Lucca cathedral



Lucca Take a Peek at the Bell Tower

The bell tower has 217 steps to climb to admire the stunning views of Lucca. It was well worth the climb, and I am just so happy that the bells did not ring while we were up at the top as I would have lost some hearing; I’m sure. The views from the top are spectacular!

Lucca bell tower
Lucca bell tower
Both these books beautifully capture the essence of Italy, its people, and the strong sense of community that defines life in small Italian towns. With lyrical prose and reflections, Ilene & Gary invite readers to accompany them on a journey of self-discovery and transformation in the heart of Tuscany.
Books by Ilene and Gary Modica, Our Italian Journey, When Your Heart Finds Its Home and audiobook,
Lucca, Italy
Lucca, Our Italian Journey, page 229
Lucca, Italy
the beautiful greenery outside the wall


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The Baptistery

Take a peek at The Baptistery. The Church of Saints Giovanni and Reparata has beautiful paintings much were out being restored. Although we did walk down under the baptistery to view an archaeological excavation from the 1st century B.C. (remains of a Roman Domus) to the 12th century A.D. The mosaics were beautiful and well preserved. It was eerie to be so close to history and to be able to touch it and think about the past and who might have been standing in this exact spot so many years ago.




Guinigi Tower

There is lots of history around this tower. It is the most recognizable landmark in Lucca. The 45m-tall red-brick tower adjoining 14th-century Palazzo Guinigi is magnificent. But what impresses even more are the seven oak trees planted in a U-shaped flower bed at the top of the tower. The climb to the top is pretty easy. Even though there are 233 steps- they are well spaced and even, except for the last few at the top. While the scenery is beautiful at the top, You can enjoy its beauty even from the street.


“Le Mura” – The Wall

Unlike many other Italian cities where walls were demolished to accommodate urban expansion, Lucca’s Renaissance-era wall has been meticulously preserved and transformed into a public promenade. Just over 2.5 miles or 4 kilometers, the walls provide a perfect setting for a stroll or bike ride, offering panoramic views of the town and the surrounding Tuscan countryside. It’s a favorite pastime for us as a couple or when I meet and chat with friends. Take a cue from the locals and rent a bike to explore the town (or wall) at your own pace. With its flat terrain and well-marked cycling paths, Lucca is a cyclist’s paradise, offering a unique perspective on its timeless beauty. And don’t forget to visit under the wall – there are several passageways where you can see how they once moved food and supplies when being attacked

Lucca, Italy
Ilene Modica items available on Amazon

One of Our Favorite Places in Lucca

One of our favorite places in Lucca is Piazza dell’Anfiteatro. It is a public piazza filled with homes and restaurants, oval in shape, and has four arched entries. It is a must-stop when in this town.

More information about visit Lucca:

Places to stay in Lucca

Restaurant recommendations in Lucca



If you find yourself in Pisa, Lucca is just a short distance away and worth the stop; even for just a day! Hope we gave you reasons to visit Lucca.

street views

Search “Lucca” for more information on the blog.

Editor’s Note:  This post was initially published in August 2017, and was updated in July 2024 for accuracy and additional information.
Lucca, take a peek at this beautiful Tuscan town. It is a must-stop when you are in Tuscany.


  1. Great overview of one of the hidden gems of Tuscany. We have visited three times and each time is more and more of a treat. There are so many things to see and do! Personally I feel the Duomo can use more than an hour even for a first visit, so much history there.

    ….a little jealous that you are able to enjoy the city on a daily basis.

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