Here is our interesting and fun facts quiz that will get you thinking. We enjoy the comments when we publish these quizzes and enjoy knowing how you scored. I think some of these are pretty difficult – but we shall …

Here is our interesting and fun facts quiz that will get you thinking. We enjoy the comments when we publish these quizzes and enjoy knowing how you scored. I think some of these are pretty difficult – but we shall …
Italy quiz! So… you think you know Italy pretty well? Want to make it fun and take a quiz? We thought we would introduce some quizzes every once in a while to provide information while making it fun. Sometimes we …
What an unforgettable experience driving a Vintage Fiat 500 in Tuscany! Not too long ago, friends Gina and Jay arrived in Lucca from their home in New Orleans, USA. They mentioned they had already booked this nostalgic event prior to …
Top 15 Italian Superstitions Here are 15 Italian superstitions that you need to know or at least be aware of. We wouldn’t want your next trip to Italy to be cursed by the evil eye called Malocchio! Nothing is worth …