Decision for Citizenship We are often asked why Gary and I didn’t just pack our bags and move to Italy instead of going through the process of trying to obtain dual citizenship. Especially since our journey took three long years …

Decision for Citizenship We are often asked why Gary and I didn’t just pack our bags and move to Italy instead of going through the process of trying to obtain dual citizenship. Especially since our journey took three long years …
Important Things Before Traveling & Travel Tips We have put together what we feel are the top 12 important things to do before traveling overseas. There are many lists out there for travel suggestions; things to do before and what …
Italian Bank Account | A Funny Financial Adventure Opening an Italian bank account recently took a great deal of time and patience. Thankfully, we had the help of a gentleman here in Lucca known as “Tony- the Guy.” Tony was …
Italian Citizenship Our Story Here is a brief recap of our story and what we wish we had known about Italian citizenship. We applied for Italian citizenship through JS (Jure Sanguinis) – Bloodline back in November 2015. As of today, we …
Useful Tips Useful tips are everywhere; especially travel ones. We are hoping that these useful tips are ones that are not usually covered but are just as valuable. Please let us know if you have one we should add to …
Dual Citizenship Are you interested in obtaining dual citizenship with another country? We are currently in this process with Italy. We knew we wanted to start this journey when we first visited Italy in 2010. Yes indeed… we returned from …
Dual Citizenship Papers Ready! Our dual citizenship papers for Italy are ready! I have picked up the binder of information from our lawyer, Roberta that we are taking to California on Monday. Again, we are meeting with the Italian Consulate …